Well, I am just getting in under the wire, but I did sew a lot all this month. All of it was for someone/something I love!! It has just been very hard getting to the computer to write a post. Of course I have had a lot of time at the computer looking around blog land at every one else's great creations and ideas! That kind of browsing makes it hard to get anything done around here!
I did however get a few projects off my sewing table so here is what I have been up to:
These are the new sheets for work that I talked about last time. All out of my stash flannel, eight sheets at 2.5 yards each. That is 20 yards done and OUT! These count for me as "love sews" because they are not only for me and my job (which I love!) but, for the comfort of my patients, who I also love. (Just not the "Valentine's Day" kind of Love!
Awkward...and moving on!
This little journal cover is for my sister, Barbara, who I love a great deal. I was asked by my sister, Linda, (who I also love a great deal!) to make this for the journal that she bought for Barbara. Barbara's husband is also very sick, he has ALS, and they were given a cruise to Greece from their church as a "bucket list" kind of thing. So, since she draws and writes beautifully, Linda thought she needed a special book for this memory making trip, but she wanted it to have a pretty cover (like the one I made her) because Barbara is a "pretty things" kind of girl! Since I was in the middle of making a tote bag for Barbara, I used the left over material to make the cover. The tote bag is not done yet.... but when it is, it will match! This used about a yard of fabric from my stash left overs pile.

These are pocket chair covers. There are 27 of them and they are for our very favourite teacher. Both my children had her and we all love her. She sang at our wedding and I attended the birth of her twins. They have been in my to do pile for months but with hubby sick I just couldn't get to them! So I am thrilled that they are finally done and she LOVES them! They used up another 15 yards out of my stash!
These are bibs for
Craft Hope's project 20, bib's for China. This is a group I love being a part of. Sewing for others is a great way to give back and make good use of lots of fabrics left over from other projects too! I used about 2.5 yards of fabric for these. They are three layers thick.
Here you can see the bibs in front and the chair covers in behind my 301. I am so excited that I finally figured out the tension adjustment for this machine and I got to use it for a couple projects! I had to adjust the bobbin tension, I almost never have to do that! However, it sews like a dream now. I also set it up and tried it out for free motion quilting....beautiful! I cannot wait to put a quilt through it!
Maybe this one, that I made this month as well. We are donating it "with love", too the hospice in memory of my daughter's music teacher's mother, who passed away from cancer just over two weeks ago. A beautiful woman who left as her contribution to the world, an extremely talented and beautiful daughter who we are privileged to know and learn from.
Well, my sewing room is a mess, there are scraps and fabrics everywhere, but I got a lot of sewing "for love" done and used up some of the stash! 38.5 yards used but...I added some too (Yikes)! We won't talk about that right now though!
Have a great Sunday!
I am linking up over at
Cation Designs - February Stash Busting Challenge!